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Taking the ImuPro Test...

It is quite easy to take the ImuPro test. It only requires a blood sample which will be sent to a specialised lab where it will be analysed. In just a few simple steps, you will have your ImuPro results emailed directly to you or your referring practitioner.

Choose your ImuPro option

Get your blood drawn at Pathology

ImuPro lab performs your test

Receive your personal results and comprehensive documents

Plan and begin your diet change!

Your test results

ImuPro's comprehensive results contain an accurate report of your tested foods at a glance.

You will learn if there are elevated levels of specific IgG antibodies to a food or not and be able to change your diet accordingly.

Dietary guidelines are provided (with a Personal Nutrition Guide included in the Basic test, and a Personal Nutrition Guide plus Recipes included in the Complete test), giving you the tools to change your diet effectively. ImuPro also offers free, unlimited follow up support and the ability to add on or upgrade to further testing if required – using your original blood sample!

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